The fourth edition of the Power Transmission Handbook from the Power Transmission Distributors Association (PTDA), Chicago, is written for the entry-level individual and serves as a comprehensive training tool for power transmission and motion control (PT/MC) products and applications.
The 350-page, 17-chapter Handbook educates readers on products, technologies, and concepts; applies fundamental engineering concepts; serves as a reference guide; and trains users on installation and maintenance. More than 70 colleges, universities, and vocational/technical schools use it as a textbook for power transmission, mechanical engineering, and industrial maintenance courses.
The easy-to-read format discusses PT/MC products; engineering concepts; maintenance and diagnostic tips; and application and selection criteria. Charts, diagrams, drawings, and photos provide visual descriptions of the topics discussed.
Industry experts updated the fourth edition to include revised fundamentals; product features, materials used and special considerations, including common reasons for failure; and expanded product and technology information.
Three new chapters discuss lubrication, sealants and adhesives, and vibration analysis. It concludes with an updated workbook and answer guide.
The Handbook is available to PTDA members for $39.95 ($49.95 to non-members) or as a set with the Workbook for $58.45 to members ($71.20 to non-members). To order, visit or call (312) 516-2100.