PEM SCB and SCBJ spinning clinch bolts permanently captivate screws in thin metal panels while letting them spin freely to eliminate loose fasteners. SCB fasteners have an unthreaded neck for axial float while and SCBJ hardware have a jacking feature. Both press into holes in aluminum or steel sheets as thin as 0.040 in. The squeezing force applied to the top of the screw head and the underside of the sheet material forces the shoulder of the screw into the sheet and displaces sheet material into the void under the head and shoulder of the screw, permanently captivating the fastener.
PEM spinning clinch bolts come in various lengths and thread sizes from #4-40 through #6-32 and M3 through M4. Detailed specifications and part drawings for these RoHS-compliant fasteners are at
PennEngineering, 5190 Old Easton Rd., Danboro, PA 18916, (800) 237-4736,