With college campuses continually making headlines for violence and NCAA violations, it is refreshing to read a news story that reveals engineering pranksterism is still alive and well in universities. I was heartened to read about a hot tub surreptitiously installed on a balcony of the Computer Science and Engineering Building on the campus of my alma mater, the University of Michigan.
According to a report in the Chronicle of Higher Education, David C. Munson Jr., U of M dean of engineering, said he got an e-mail from a group calling itself “S4: Students for Sustaining Suds and Soaking,” assuring him that engineers had calculated the weight of the tub filled with water and bodies before placing it on the balcony.
But the tub was yanked anyway
The original story is here: http://chronicle.com/blogs/tweed/bye-bye-bubbler-holy-toledo/29373?sid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en