Yet more information overload

Jan. 18, 2013
I don't know how you feel after having been continually inundated with computer images, cell phone messages, emails, Twitter tweats, and whatnot, but the last thing I need is yet more information overload. Everyone seems to be acting like lemmings, ...

I don't know how you feel after having been continually inundated with computer images, cell phone messages, emails, Twitter tweats, and whatnot, but the last thing I need is yet more information overload. Everyone seems to be acting like lemmings, jumping freely over the cliff into the buzziest social-networking fad. Now trade jounalists' senses will be further assulted with what is being called a "social media enabled press release." According to Paolina Milana, vice president of marketing at Marketwire,, "The once 400-word all-text release has evolved into an interactive tool that incorporates multimedia elements, social media tags and bookmarks, in-release performance stats, and feedback mechanisms."

What does this mean exactly? According to the (plain text) press release I got about social media enabled press releases, they will include a "comment" capability similar to those offered on many blogs and Web news stories. They will also be "social bookmark-friendly," so company news can be quickly cited on dozens of social bookmarking sites such as those at The new kind of press release will also contain images and videos as well RSS feeds, "link to this page" buttons, and "email this page to a friend" links.

Ahh, please lets just stick to simple text!


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