From traditional, compound dies to more advanced progressive tooling, it is important to understand the various stamping operations and considerations when designing engineered components for a new project or modifying a current design.
Designer's Guide to Precision Metal Stampings is a valuable resource for understanding the design considerations for engineered stamped components. Whether needing blanking, piercing or metal forming for a particular application, additional knowledge for material thickness, size and tolerance will aid in helping design engineers in solving their latest challenges. Additional guidance is also provided for selecting a manufacturer that can deliver on specific design requirements, capabilities, quality and timing needs.
The design of a Gantry Positioning System and Split-Bridge Positioning system are related. Learn how they differ and what to use best for your application.
PI’s X-417 multi-axis positioning system / multi-axis stage is a granite motion system for high speed, high precision automation. Preconfigured with a granite base and EtherCat...