Maple 16, technical computing software for mathematicians, engineers, and scientists, introduces new tools and techniques in its Clickable Math collection. This collection includes Drag-to-Solve, Smart Popups, interactive assistants, context-sensitive menus, and tutors that provide a point-and-click interface for solving, visualizing, and exploring mathematical problems. Drag-to-Solve lets users solve equations step-by-step by dragging individual terms. Smart Popups instantly show mathematical identities, plots, and factorizations for the highlighted expression, helping users choose the next operation to perform. Other improvements include: a smart plot view that automatically focuses on points of interest; faster performance on both core Maple operations and calculations using multiple cores and multithreading; and over 100 new Math Apps that provide insight into concepts from math, statistics, physics, and finance.
Maplesoft, 615 Kumpf Dr., Waterloo, ON, Canada, (800) 267-6583,