Slotless brushless motors
23 mm slotless brushless motors eliminate cog and allow precise positioning compared to conventional toothed motors.
Features & benefits
Available in 2 and 4-pole designs, sensorless or with hall sensors
Up to 176-W power output, 50,000 rpm, 90% efficiency
Engineered to provide a straight-line speed-torque relationship under all conditions
Koford Engineering
[email protected]
Circle 151
Brushless dc motors
NEMA 17 brushless dc motors offer high speed and high dynamic torque.
Features & benefits
Quiet and smooth operation with optimal performance from 300 to 3,000 rpm
Suitable for applications with little power requiring a higher efficiency motor
Available in stack lengths of 1.61, 2.40, 3.19, and 3.94 in.
Produce up to 106 oz-in. of peak torque depending on stack length
Lin Engineering
(408) 919-0200
Circle 152
Brushless servomotors
Fully integrated I2 brushless servo system includes a closed loop brushless dc servomotor, built-in drivers, controllers, and I/O devices.
Features & benefits
Runs on universal power anywhere in the world with no external power supply
Test and program in less time than other motion control systems
Menu-driven procedure for programming velocity or position commands accomplished by filling in desired values on the Wizard host software setup screen
Can interface to any input or output device with the click of a mouse
Easy to follow fill-in-the-blanks menu for analog command setup
Specialty Motors Inc.
(800) 232-2612
Circle 153
Brushless dc motor
EC-powermax 22 achieves extremely high torque at slow speeds compared to similarly sized brushless dc motors.
Features & benefits
Available in two lengths with an operating range of 90 to 120 W
Easily combined with 32 mm planetary gearheads
No detent because grooveless stator exhibits excellent control characteristics
maxon precision motors inc.
(800) 865-7540
Circle 154